New Releases!

Where the Stars Rise

I received my author copy of this anthology, and I can't wait to read it! All of the stories are originals. Mine is about a colonist to Mars who needs to decide if she's running from her past or toward her future.

"Follow twenty-three science fiction and fantasy authors on their journeys through Asia and beyond. Stories that explore magic and science. Stories about love, revenge, and choices. Stories that challenge ideas about race, belonging, and politics. Stories about where we come from and where we are going."

A portion of the sales for this goes to help disadvantaged kids so not only will you get a wealth of interesting stories to read, you will be supporting a good cause. Buy it here.



Fantastic Stories of the Imagination People of Color Flash Anthology

My very first publication is reprinted in this collection of flash fiction. Buy it here.

"People of color have been publishing some of the highest quality science fiction and fantasy since the genre's earliest days. Yet, there still persists a perception that science fiction and fantasy is somehow a white field. We'd like to help shatter that illusion and showcase some of the finest writer's that science fiction and fantasy has to offer. Here are twenty six flash stories that will do just that."