Book Launch for "Runtime"!

Today is the big day. My first book (of many, I hope!) is out in the wild, wooly world, ready to be read (and loved or hated). I'm feeling like a parent whose child is on her first sleepover - proud, excited, and a wee bit terrified. 

Runtime features cyborgs in a grueling race through the wilderness, set against a backdrop of new immigrant laws and a gender-neutral social movement. You can read the first part for free at Barnes & Noble Readouts, and then delve deeper into the challenges of long-distance running with Chris Lough's analysis over at

If you pre-ordered the eBook, it should have landed in your eReader of choice by now. The print version might be waiting on your doorstep. If you start reading it tonight and it keeps you up too late (it had the effect on some of my early readers), um, sorry-not-sorry! 

Links to purchase it are on the banner at the top of this page. If you enjoy the book, I'd be grateful if you can spread the word and leave a review.